Thursday 13. March 2025

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Tumbled Stones Chakra

~How to wear a Shawl~

Scarf Style - Just fold it over so it’s about the width of a scarf and wrap it around your neck. It’s super warm, cozy, and makes you feel a bit like a movie star.

Cape - This is so easy, just throw the ends over your shoulders or even bring them back around the front and tie the ends ascot style. This makes it look like a great little cape or capelet, and is how I wear it over my jacket outside.

Wrap - Wrap the ends around your front and tie them in the back. This is very warm and functional and looks a bit like a cropped wrap.

Skirt - Kind of like a sarong, you just wrap the shawl around your waist for a quick lacy skirt. Great over a plain skirt, pair of jeans, leggings or a swimsuit.




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